Thursday, April 3, 2008

Pygmalion film(1938)

Pygmalion is the second film that we have to watch. I could say that this is one of the best films I have seen among five because it shows how a very thick Cockney accent woman is turned out to be a typical English woman. All of the features has been changed especially the way she speaks and the manner to be a typical English woman by a man whom I believe is a linguistic professor; Professor Higgins. Eliza, the Cockney woman tries her best in becoming a new English woman. Along the way, the film contains comedic moments which attracted my attention to it. The main subject in this film which is adapted from Bernard Shaw’s play Pygmalion gives the idea of changes and does these difficult changes worth it for both Eliza and Professor Higgins? I think it is worth it. Because at that time, people from lower class can be differentiate with the upper class just from the way they speak. From the changes, Eliza is seen as a respected woman even though she is quite awkward for the first time. After watching it, I feel that this film which has been produced in year 1938 is far more ok than ‘Shakespeare Wallah’.

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